
Our Nerdy Notes


Bias deep-dive 1: Is Strictly biased?

Welcome to our first bias deep-dive at Wordnerds. Any data scientist worth their “Kiss Me I’m a Data Scientist” novelty baseball cap knows that bias is an enormous challenge in big data, Artificial Intelligence, and beyond.

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Five ways AI will revolutionise student recruitment

This is part two in our series of the challenges Higher Education folk face. Check out part one here.

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Santa's Shattered Sentiment

What do audience reactions reveal about the elements that make a Christmas ad “successful”?

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What do you do with a ton of text data?

Pop quiz, hotshot. You’ve been given a big stack of unstructured text data - could be survey responses, social data, staff appraisals. You have to pull insights from this data, and explain to your organisation what’s going on.

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How to become your CEO’s best friend

At Wordnerds, there are many things we’re sure about. The way you use language is perfect, teams require mutual respect, Teenage Fanclub are underrated. But our strongest opinion is - insights teams should be their CEO's best friends.

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UK Water Companies State of the Nation Report now available for download

How can water companies really listen to and understand their customers when there is so much noise on social media? And how can they identify the problems that affect most customers... and those that affect some customers most?

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Water Companies CX Social Insight Report to Launch at SWAN 2020

We take our love of words into new waters with our latest social insight report, launching at SWAN 2020 in July.

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US Telco's Customer Experience During COVID-19 - Twitter Study

We examine how the biggest telcos in the US performed and how customers feel about them—in the middle of a global pandemic.

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Homeschool Project: Alice, Wordnerds and the Famous Five

Homeschooling the Wordnerds way. Co-Founder, Steve Erdal took his daughter's English lesson to the next level, teaching her to use our platform, looking at the 1st 2 Famous Five books, pattern hunting.

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COVID-19, altruism and the Tiger King

What Twitter sentiment reveals about how the UK is reacting during the Coronavirus pandemic.

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Christmas Adverts Showdown 2019

Holidays are coming...except, they’re here, it’s November and nobody gives a Coca-Cola truck anymore.

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Flying the Flag for North East Tech at World Rail Festival

Wordnerds will be representing the North East on the world stage as we return to the World Rail Festival in Amsterdam.

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Higher & Further Education Marketing & Communications Conference

Wordnerds are returning as sponsors to the National Higher and Further Education Marketing and Communications Conference in November 2019.

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Ten things we learned from the Women’s World Cup.

As the dust settles on an amazing World Cup in France, Wordnerds has been knee-deep in Twitter data, picking out the key opinions, themes, and blinding rage that made up the World Cup on Social Media.

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Five Reasons Why Higher Education is the Toughest Job in Marketing

We work with marketers of all shapes and sizes, and we love them all like sisters and brothers. But if we had to choose, the highest difficulty level of marketing, the double black diamond, the elite mode, belongs to the proud marketeers who are...

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event news: the future of higher and further education marketing and communications

For the second year running, Wordnerds are delighted to be sponsoring the The Future of Higher and Further Education Marketing and Communications event, taking place at Central Manchester in June 2019.

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so who's going to win the mayoral election?

The votes have been cast. For the first time, the fine people to the north of the River Tyne have taken to the voting booth and are electing a mayor. As a proud northeast organisation, we're really excited about finding out who's going to by the...

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Wordnerds Market Review #1: Protein Shakes

Welcome to the first in a series of Wordnerds market reviews, where we look beyond the star ratings and find out which product is really right for you.

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wordnerds at the world cup: ten things we learned

What a world cup! We’ve had more crazy twists and utter joy than a Kieran Trippier free kick. And across England’s adventure, Wordnerds has been following the hilarious, ecstatic, rage-filled and ultimately agonising journey of the fans back home.

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Wordnerds Market Review #2: Gym Chains

January is the month for hitting the gym, and even nerds like us are no exception. So we’ve spent January analysing thousands of reviews of top gym chains in the country, to see how they fared in January, and which is right for you.

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